Free resources to practice programming languages

This short list covers few sources of practice for Python, MATLAB, R, and Javascript


Main source: official tutorial MATLAB Academy.

Bonus points for problems from MATLAB certification practice test.

Extra bonus points: online interpreter of Octave with functionality of shared coding. You can loop in another person to help you get through. GNU Octave is designed to be compatible with MATLAB syntax


Interactive Python exercises

36 exercises for learning Python. It does require having development environment set up, and might require someone to help you at the beginning.

R and RStudio

Swirl is a library that you run inside RStudio, that guides you through tutorial

There is also an interactive online tool, LearnR hosted on RStudio’s Github


There are many services that allow practicing JS. But we like Javascript because it can be useful for programming dynamic data visualization. Online platforms such as Glitch, Codepen or JSFiddle allow free-of-charge prototyping and sharing of small web applications.

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